Oh dear…
There has been another small delay in construction…sigh. I am over the whole permit process. But, nonetheless, we are still making progress at DRF.
In the plus column, we do have siding on half of the garage and on half of the mudroom! And we have two exterior doors! Which leads us to the topic of today’s post.
BJR and I are having some different viewpoints of what color to paint our exterior doors.
Oh door…
Someone in our household would like to paint the doors the perfect shade of black. Someone thinks it’s timeless and versatile — that it can be paired with an endless supply of accessories.
That certain someone also thinks that black goes with everything, throughout all of the changing seasons: winter, spring, summer or fall.
Someone else in our household thinks black is too formal.
So, I did what any good wife would do and consulted Pinterest. To humor that someone else in the household.
Maybe gray is the next classic color choice?
Or, IF I really am open to considering “color” — something other than my first choice of black or second place gray — these are what I am thinking of trying.
That’s just so teal. Teal with a capital T… I don’t think I can do it. I think it would get old — too trendy.
But what about Tranquil Blue? Closer maybe.
I want to go timeless with door color. I have a slew of fun, chippy, and colorful farm-y accessories, that would make the black more casual (read that line, please, BJR). I am pretty sure that I am willing to go down with the ship over this one?
Yes, yes, I know — it’s just paint. It’s not rocket science or trying to solve world peace. But sometimes a quick little fixable issue is just what we need to feel productive in the midst of other uncertainties. Lawd knows, I need a quick little fixable something right about now.
Worse case, it’s paint and we don’t live with it forever.
I will keep you posted on this one!
Black or the gray…my two cents…black will show more dust from the field work spring and fall….
OOHHHH, good point, farm girl! xoxo
I love a black door. Now I got this itch and had Brian paint our door a blue that matches the plastic Easter eggs .Gorgeous! More people have stopped and asked what color. Now mind you my Brian detests painting but he’s good because he is so meticulous. Now my Brian would not agree ,( more work for him) but the Front door can make such an impact and when the house is neutral in color you can have fun changing it up from time to time. Have Fun! Lisa
Perhaps a “Paved Road Farm” door would be painted the more ‘formal’ black, whereas maybe a “Dirt Road Farm” door a rich gray hue?